ELEPHANT TREE - A Powerful Anti-Microbial Plant Medicine
Elephant Tree Immune System Lyme's Disease
ELEPHANT TREE - Bursera microphylla Maybe, just maybe, my favorite medicine tree in the whole world! Some observations and notes. A remarkable plant medicine for depressed white blood cell count and endogenous and deep tissue infections, and can be helpful in these conditions: MRSA, Sepsis, Periodontitis, Herpes, Gangrene (bacteria - Clostridium perfringens), Streptococcus spp., Staphlococcus spp., Lyme and its many coinfections, Venomous Bites with Sepsis or Tissue Necrosis, Pediculicide (Lice treatment), Venereal (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis) and other problematic and deep infections. Elephant Tree (ET or Bursera) - Is an antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, mucolytic, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue (lightly),...
YERBA MANSA - An Important Medicine Plant! (Part One)
Anti-inflammatory Herbal Medicine Lyme's Disease Yerba Mansa
YERBA MANSA ( Some Updated Notes, more will be added - Part One) Anemopsis californicaSaururaceae (Lizard Tail Family) Anemopsis californica is also known as, Yerba Mansa, Yerba del Manso, Manso, Bavisa, Lizard Tail, Swamp Root, Raiz del Manso, and Apache beads. Yerba Mansa, is a perennial, low growing plant, always found in stands. It has many basal leaves, from three to eight inches long, rounded or lobbed, and somewhat fleshy or succulent. The flowers form a conical white spike with distinct white bracts around the base. In the fall, the whole plant turns brick-red in color, and large...