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An Extremely Important Formula - AFLATOXIN & MYCOTOXIN - Mold Detox

An Extremely Important Formula - AFLATOXIN & MYCOTOXIN - Mold Detox

$ 75.00
  • See photo of label for contents in this formula.

Mold infections are on the rise, including the debilitating Black Mold. Over the last few years, ever since the pandemic aflatoxin & mycotoxin have increased as a health concern significantly. In my clinical work I have seen folks struggling with Long Covid having an increased difficulty with these types of infections. It also seems that our trucking or delivery systems are slower than ever before, which decreases the freshness of foods and increases the rate of aflatoxin/mycotoxin contamination. There has been a measurable increase in these toxins. 

You get a 4 ounce bottle of this important formula.